Grand Rapids Art Museum was an Exhibition Center for ArtPrize® this fall. Attendance at our venue was upwards of 160,000 people over the 18 day competition.
I created a horizontal accordion on the front page of the museum website for visitors to find any of our 43 artists. A visual install shot was selected and information provided for everyone. This helped keep our venue experience tight as a visual memory and a literary memory. This allowed guests to link to the individual artist's voting page after their visit to the museum.
Install was challenging and fun as a preparator, including light installation and pulling silkscreens onto salt for artist Young Kim.
Projector installs were very challenging as they involved renting from private companies and needed to have 240v wired in through the floor to operate. Let me tell you it was very hard to get a .8 lens for artist Tim Simmons during ArtPrize!
Interpretive stations were created with Campfire tables that had drawing paper and questions printed on them. I mirrored the comments on our website and repeated it on a flat screen next to the station to emphasize the feeling that the museum visitors' opinions were valuable to the experience of the institution.
I shot installation images for a number of artists including this one for Joel O'Dorisio.
I had a great time capturing images of people viewing the art for the artist and museum. This one of David Sprigg's Vision has really stayed with me after the exhibition finished.